Juggling work and school holidays

The end of the school year can be a difficult transition for some parents as they juggle work and the newfound freedom of their children. Whether you’re experiencing this for the first time, or you’re well and truly a pro, we’ve got some simple tips to get you through the summer holidays.

Prepare in advance

OSHClub has hundreds of Holiday Programs, so check out what your local service has planned near you and book the days that you require care. We are well and truly providing the Ultimate Playdate these holidays so bring along your kid’s friends.

Start the conversation

Lining calendars up with your friends who are also parents can be a tedious task, so having this discussion early is essential. Outline which days each person is available to either carpool or have a playdate at home and don’t forget to reciprocate. “It takes a village” has never rung more true!

It could be the last resort…

Ask your work for more flexibility or take some personal days! It’s not ideal for everyone, but if you can, discuss the potential of working from home or leaving early to catch that Holiday Program pick-up deadline.
Or better yet – take a few personal days and spend a day out adventuring with your little ones! We all deserve a day off so plan ahead and mark those days off before anyone else does!


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